I worked at Pizza Cove on First St. in Gilroy CA 89–90. We served primarily softball teams and one guy was a regular who would plunk in about $10 at around 8 PM when they came in from the games and put in a variety of songs for his team to eat along to — one of them was “Hey Jude” by The Beatles.
I think it was his favorite because he’d program it about every 5th or 6th song. We closed at 10, so by the time they left, the music was still going. We couldn’t turn off the jukebox, or the records would get stuck in the stack and cause havoc inside the machine if there were stored selections in the queue. We had to let all the songs play out while we cleaned up at the end of the day.
Inevitably, Hey Jude came on (sometimes multiple plays) and it was maddening. The volume control was kept in the boss’ office and locked when they left us to clean and close.
As a result, mopping, wiping, bleaching, and scrubbing to “na na nanana naaaaa na na na na naaaaaa hey Jude, hey Jude-a-Jude-a-Judey-Judey-Judey-Ju” was part of my nightly reality.